Monday, April 27, 2015

Favorite Color | Tampa Bay Childrens Photographer

Can anyone tell me where the month of April went? 

I can't even believe that it is over and already time for our TWELVE BY TWELVE blog post.  This month was actually MY MONTH to select the topic.... and the topic I chose was FAVORITE COLOR.  

As many of you already know, I love color. 

 My FAVORITE color however, is YELLOW.  It has been for a little over 10 years now.  Recently, my sweet Kalia has taken a special interest in her mama's love for yellow.  She loves making sure that I have the yellow cup or the yellow flower or that she colors me a picture with lots of yellow in it.  So naturally, when we were going to the flower field the other day with Brooke of HAMILTON CREEK PHOTOGRAPHY & her mostest handsome boys, she was VERY excited to wear the yellow dress I had bought for her, because she knew it would make picture taking just a little more special for me.  

What makes this special to me is because of the reason I love the color yellow.  It is because it makes me think of my father.  Ten and a half years ago, my father passed away from cancer.  Before his passing, we had become big fans of the LIVESTRONG foundation.  We have always worn those infamous yellow bands.... from the very beginning.  When my father passed away, we covered the funeral room in yellow flowers for him.   Since then, the color yellow has always been a sweet reminder of my Daddy.  Kalia doesn't know that this is why I love the color yellow... and yet she still always makes the effort to make sure that we always have yellow. 

Lots of beautiful colors on the circle today!!! Be sure to head over to the next stop... WEST CHASE NEWBORN PHOTOGRAPHER Ashley Yvonne Photography.

That moment you catch the kids "getting married" -- for the millionth time.  


  1. Such magical memories, and I loved reading about how and why yellow is so special to you. Hugs!

    1. I had to check to see who Brook was? Forget the "E" and I am lost!? :) The most magical memories for sure!! Hugs back!!
