Tuesday, February 10, 2015

H Family Holiday Session | Tampa Bay Family Photographer

The H Family.  One of my all-time favorite families ever.  

I am incredibly honored to be able to call Mrs. H one of my best friends.  She's such a GORGEOUS person inside and out.  You may recognize her as the face of HAMILTON CREEK PHOTOGRAPHY.  She is the most talented photographer I've ever met -- her work, is drool worthy.  She's so giving and kind and funny.  Whether we're grabbing a cup of coffee, adventuring with the kids, or doing something photography related together, hanging with her is ALWAYS a good time!!  

And her guys... well I just love them too!! Mr. H is so fun and keeps us laughing the whole time... and G & R... well, they have such a special space in my heart.  They are two of Kalia's bestest buds.  They are the BEST boys. Adventurous life lovers, just like my girl!!! 

When we first started planning this session, we were going to shoot at my beach (yes... I refer to it as MY BEACH... because I love it so much) but they closed for the winter.. BOO!  But everything turned around when we went with H Family's new "front yard".  Okay.. so technically it's not THEIR YARD... but its gorgeous land RIGHT IN FRONT of the beautiful new home they are building! 

At the end of our session... we snapped a few of them as a family on their unfinished front porch! 
I am SO excited to see what the 2015 version of that picture will look like. 


  1. Such priceless memories captured, thank you!!!! We are so thankful for your entire family in our lives and to have a photographer who gets us and to adventure with is such an amazing bonus!

  2. Perfect pictures of a gorgeous family :)
