Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Happy Holidays from the "T" Family | Tampa Bay Family Photographer

One of my favorite families!! 

I truly look forward to their family session every year! 

First of all... can we just discuss how much these girls have grown??? I seriously can't believe it.  It's such an honor when clients return year after year -- to have the opportunity to watch their children grow and change.  So awesome.  

I love that we started our session with their Halloween costumes.  The candy backdrop is the PERFECT backdrop for super sweet little sisters!!! 

Then we hopped into our holiday session.  It was so sweet to watch Little Miss J try and mimic everything that Big Sister S was doing.  "Monkey See, Monkey Do".  These girls are just delicious.  I could eat them up every time they come hang out with me in the studio! 

And thats a wrap! <3 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

"Z" Family Holiday | Tampa Bay Family Photographer

This family has such wonderful chemistry...  

Mom & Dad ... and even Brother & Sister (although I'm sure they have their sibling moments -- they were really sweet with each other)... they just have a really great vibe about them.  The kids were so well behaved and had the best smiles! It was such a pleasure meeting this family and look forward to seeing them again soon! 

Happy Holidays from the "F" Family | Tampa Bay Family Photographer

Look close... notice anyone familiar? The last time I was taking pictures for this family was earlier this year for "A"s third birthday!! This time she's back and she brought along the rest of the family! Hooray for family session.  Little Miss "A" came to the session ready to give me her smiles and cheese it up for the camera, just like last time.  I swear, she's such a pro!  Mom prepared me before hand... "E doesn't smile for anyone".  All it took were a few animal noises and a couple games of peek-a-boo & I got him smiling just fine.  And such a handsome smile it was!! 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Hunter Pup | Tampa Bay Lifestyle Photographer

Just a sweet pup and his girls.  

Hunter Pup went to Pup Heaven shortly after these pictures were taken.  I'm so glad that I was able to spent time with our friends and their pup before he left.  He was such a wonderful dog & I know he will be missed terribly.