Monday, September 22, 2014

One on One with Kalia | Tampa Bay Area Family Photographer

Back in July when we were on vacation with my family, my husband and I left the Little with my Mom & StepFather to have some one-on-one time with Kalia.  

She has been such an amazing big sister.... been there since the moment Noa was born. 
 She is the best helper and the sweetest girl with her little sister -- we haven't had any issues with her adjusting at all.  

But sometimes, a girl just could use some special time with Mommy & Daddy all to herself.   

We ran the beach, played tag, splashed each other, chased crabs, made funny faces.... laughed.  

I was so happy that I brought the big girl camera with me -- I really loved the little things that I was able to capture.  She's growing up so fast -- I can't even believe I have a 4 year old.   

Red Balloon for Ryan t-shirt from Indie Nook 

one of my favorites of Kalia & her Daddy ever. 

Thank you to Mr. RMP for making sure Mommy was in some of the shots too! 


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