Monday, September 22, 2014

One on One with Kalia | Tampa Bay Area Family Photographer

Back in July when we were on vacation with my family, my husband and I left the Little with my Mom & StepFather to have some one-on-one time with Kalia.  

She has been such an amazing big sister.... been there since the moment Noa was born. 
 She is the best helper and the sweetest girl with her little sister -- we haven't had any issues with her adjusting at all.  

But sometimes, a girl just could use some special time with Mommy & Daddy all to herself.   

We ran the beach, played tag, splashed each other, chased crabs, made funny faces.... laughed.  

I was so happy that I brought the big girl camera with me -- I really loved the little things that I was able to capture.  She's growing up so fast -- I can't even believe I have a 4 year old.   

Red Balloon for Ryan t-shirt from Indie Nook 

one of my favorites of Kalia & her Daddy ever. 

Thank you to Mr. RMP for making sure Mommy was in some of the shots too! 

Welcome to the World Sweet M | Tampa Bay Area Newborn Photography

He's finally here.  My perfect, mostest handsome nephew is here. (You may recall his GENDER REVEAL and the MATERNITY SESSION we did on the beach...).
He didn't make it easy on his Mama, that's for sure....but after a grueling 52 hours of labor he finally made his entrance.  

Fifty two hours.... whew! 
Melissa you are my idol.  

I was so lucky to be able to sneak in a visit while he was in the hospital.  

The new parents are doing an amazing job.  
Melissa looked gorgeous & is already the most amazing Mama.    Kevin is clearly a proud father & was doing such a wonderful job tending to Melissa and the new Prince.  

And my sweet baby Moose.... well, he's just perfect. 

And without further delay... here he is.... 

one day new.  

Mr. Moose.  Love him so much already.  Thank you Kevin for taking this picture! 

Friday, September 12, 2014

A is Two | Tampa Bay Area Children's Photographer

Early on a Sunday morning, I met with sweet little A & her parents for the first time.   We met at Curtis Hixon Park in Tampa for A's 2nd birthday pictures.  I was immediately obsessed with her eyelashes and her sweet little smile.   

We had a great time playing dress up with Mommy's shoes and handbags. Miss A walked in those heels better then I do -- I was super impressed.  We enjoyed a sweet little tea party in the shade & then moved our way to the spray ground.  How much fun is it that Mama let her run around in the water her gorgeous birthday dress!??!! 

I'm looking forward to seeing this family again in October, when A's little brother arrives!! 

L Turns Five | Tampa Bay Area Children's Photographer

For the past two years I have taken L's birthday pictures.  And earlier this summer I even got to shoot some VPK Graduate pictures for her.  She's such a great kid and I have SO MUCH FUN whenever we get to hang out.  In the past we've shot in Ybor and Medard Park.... so this year we opted for the beach.  

It was my first time shooting at Redington, but it certainly won't be my last.  I loved the pier, but sea grapes and, of course,  everything that the beach has to offer... the sand, the waves, the sunset.... ahhhh!!!!!   The session was fantastic and we finished with just enough time before a good ol Florida thunderstorm sent us packing! 

Pretty Miss L is getting SO BIG.  I love capturing her hammy smile and loved the way the wind was blowing her hair everywhere -- but what I REALLY loved from this session were the yummy Mommy & Me moments I was able to capture.  

Nothing gets to me like a Mama loving on her little.... and the little loving up the Mama right back.  

Miss Monkey  ::  no session with Miss L would be complete without her!