Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Adams Family Gender Reveal | Tampa Bay Area Maternity Photographer

 Little Man C wants to know what you think? 

Is he having a baby brother? Or a baby sister? 

pink? or blue? 


IT'S A BOY!!!! 

I was so honored when Dani Adams of DigitalMyst Photography emailed me about shooting her gender reveal! I had never met Dani, but I've "known" her through Facebook for a while.  I adored her pregnancy announcement & was very excited to find out whether or not she was going to be welcoming another handsome little prince into her home or a pretty in pink princess!!! 

And even more excited that I was going to be able to document & share it with the world!!  

You are such a beautiful Mama.  It was so wonderful to finally get to meet you!! Can't wait to meet sweet baby boy #2!! 


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