Wednesday, August 27, 2014

2014 Holiday Mini Sessions | Tampa Bay Family Photographer

I know what you're thinking.  

Holiday? Really??? You just finished Back to School??? 

Yes.  Really.  

Holiday Mini Sessions will take place the evening of October 18th at Medard Park in Plant City, FL & the evening of October 25th at Redington Beach.  Four, 20 minute sessions will be booked each night.  Payment is due in full at booking to secure your session time.  Your session fee will include a password protected gallery with 15 artistically edited images.   From those 15, you will select your five favorite digital images to be downloaded.  Printing rights will be included with your downloads. 

All images will be available for digital download for an additional fee.  

All print products will be discounted for ONE WEEK after you receive your gallery.  

Book your session before September 3rd, 2014 and receive one FREE 8x10 print from your session.

Refer a friend! If you BOTH book a session you will each receive a $25 discount!! WOW!!! 

Contact me ASAP to reserve your spot!!! 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Adams Family Gender Reveal | Tampa Bay Area Maternity Photographer

 Little Man C wants to know what you think? 

Is he having a baby brother? Or a baby sister? 

pink? or blue? 


IT'S A BOY!!!! 

I was so honored when Dani Adams of DigitalMyst Photography emailed me about shooting her gender reveal! I had never met Dani, but I've "known" her through Facebook for a while.  I adored her pregnancy announcement & was very excited to find out whether or not she was going to be welcoming another handsome little prince into her home or a pretty in pink princess!!! 

And even more excited that I was going to be able to document & share it with the world!!  

You are such a beautiful Mama.  It was so wonderful to finally get to meet you!! Can't wait to meet sweet baby boy #2!! 

Monday, August 11, 2014

60 Years. | Long Boat Key Anniversary & Extended Family Photographer

Do you know how many married couples make it to their 60th wedding anniversary?  

No? Take a guess?  


That's it.  So crazy.  

Now I'd like to introduce you to Jack & Marlene.  

Two of the most beautiful human beings on the planet.  

They were married August 2nd, 1954.  

Thats right, 60 years ago.  

Five and a half years ago my mother married into this amazing family.  And when she did, they took us ALL in with open arms.  Especially Grandma Marlene & Pop Pop Jack.  

Every year, for a week in July, the family meets up at Gulf Tides in Long Boat Key, FL to spend time with one another.  This year marked their 30th year of doing so.  

While we were together this year, we celebrate Jack & Marlene's anniversary.  It truly is one of the most inspiring things to see the two of them together.  

After all this time...  they are still perfectly & madly in love.  

I hope and I pray that one day.... 
54 years from now... 
Mr. RMP & I are standing on a beach... 
surrounded by our family and our friends... 
holding each other.  
Laughing, and smiling, and loving one another the way that these two did on this very special evening.