Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Happy girls.... | Tampa Bay Area Children's Photographer

Audrey Hepburn once said "Happy girls are the prettiest".  

Well, I recently hung out with one of the prettiest girls & we had the best time taking some pictures for her 3rd birthday.  

We met up in Ybor and just adventured around.  L was so much fun to shoot -- seriously... can we just talk about that delicious hammy smile!?!? 

My favorite part of this session was when I met Miss Monkey.  Monkey has been in all of L's pictures since she was born.  How special is that??  Mom also bought along L's favorite book and her favorite trains.... we had such a great time! 

Sweet L's birthday was the same day as the Zombie Party in Ybor.  

waiting for the train! CHOO CHOO!!! 


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