"My heart grows every day through struggling and love of my kids. It helps balance everything else - the work and the world. It helps keep me grounded and in perspective of what is really meaningful to me. " - Kathryn Erbe
This month's theme over at
TWELVE BY TWELVE, chosen by the talented
grounded". I had been struggling to decide what I wanted to blog about for this month... and then it came to me.
Five years and one week ago, I gave birth to the most beautiful, 8lb 10oz bundle of pink you've ever seen in your life. My sweet Kalia Reese. And in that moment, I was a mom.
And then I blinked... and she turned FIVE. I am so proud of the amazing girl she is growing into. She is kind and thoughtful and adores her friends. She is scared of the dark and hates carrots. She wants to be a paramedic and a zoo keeper when she grows up. She loves school and has recently started sounding words out and reading on her own. She loves makeup, getting pedicures and wearing maxi dresses. Her favorite color is Pink. And Lavender. And Frozen Blue.
This year I took my sweet, sea loving mermaid girl to the beach for her birthday pictures this year. It only seemed fitting for her right now. We searched for mermaid treasure in the mangrove trees and picked sea grapes. We played on the boogie board and counted the snails crawling on the driftwood. I love watching her explore and find new things. I love that everything is so magical to her. I hope that never fades. She is the silliest, the sassiest, the sweetest and the smartest girl. She's an incredible big sister and loves her family so hard.
Becoming a mom has been the most incredible, the most difficult, the most REWARDING thing I have ever done in my life. I have never been so happy... or so tired. And one thing that I can always count on both my girls for, is keeping me grounded.