Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Soft | Tampa Bay Children's Photographer

It's so hard to believe that the month of May is over and it's already time for our TWELVE BY TWELVE post.  This month's theme was chosen by the lovely Patty of SWEET PLUM PHOTOGRAPHY.

The given theme was SOFT.  

Soft baby skin.  Soft sheets.  Soft light from the bedroom window.  

Sweetest baby girl.   

Next up on the blog circle is AMY OF APPLE STREET PRODUCTIONS.  

Monday, May 25, 2015

Sweet C Turns One | Tampa Bay Family Photographer

 I met up with this awesome family early one Sunday morning at Picnic Island in Tampa.  We were doing pictures for pretty girl's FIRST BIRTHDAY pictures and some family pictures!  Believe it or not, this first time this gorgeous family has had a session done since before C was born!!! I'm so honored that they booked me for the job!! Sweet C was ALL SMILES from the second Mom & Dad took her out of the car.  Probably the easiest baby girl I've ever photographed!!! Happy, Happy!!! 

Happy Birthday Pretty Girl!! I hope to see you all again soon!! 

This right here.... perfectly imperfect.  Quite possibly one of my most favorite family pictures ever.
So much happiness!! 

The little things.
Bunny.  Sweet little curls.  Yummy little baby feet.  

Friday, May 1, 2015

Twelve By Twelve: April's "Favorite Color" Winners

This month it was my turn to judge images submitted to TWELVE BY TWELVE.   This month the theme was "Favorite Color".  Thank you so much to everyone that submitted!! There weren't enough submissions to choose Top 12 this month... so I went with the Top 5! 

This month's WINNER is Shannon from SHANNON RENEE PHOTOGRAPHY.


The remaining Top 5 -- in no particular order.... 

"earth tones"



"mother nature" 

C Turns TWO! | Riverview Childrens Photographer

The last session I had with little man C, he was in his Mama's tummy!! Seems like just yesterday.  And yet here we are... posting his SECOND BIRTHDAY PICTURES!! AHH!!! 

This little Dude has the most delicious personality.  His sweet little giggle is infectious.  

I love how much he loved the moon, and his balloons, and his hat, and his taggie blanket.... and I could just keep going on... but I think you get the point! Hanging out with this little guy was the best time!! 

I'm really funny.  

C's birthday fell on Easter this year -- so what better way to celebrate then to bring the Easter basket and some Easter eggs to the shoot!! 

C + Taggie