Thursday, July 31, 2014

Waiting on Sweet Baby "M" | Long Boat Key Beach Maternity Photographer

My brother is going to be a DAD.  

::sigh:: my baby brother.  

I still can't believe it... but Melissa's BEAUTIFUL growing tummy proves otherwise.  

My nephew (remember the GENDER REVEAL?).  Sweet baby M.  Named after my father. 

Sweet baby boy.... you are already so very loved.  

Auntie can't WAIT to meet you, and squeeze you, and love on you.   

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Noa James Four Months | Riverview Baby Photographer

Four months.   

It's so insane how much can change in just one short month.  

Right before she turned 4 months, she began rolling.  Both tummy to back & back to tummy.  She seems to really enjoy her tummy time.  Her neck control is insane, if I do say so myself.  Pretty sure this ones going to be crawling before her sister did.  

The kitty? It was a gift from her big sister on the day she was born.  

Kitty's name is Lona (pronounced Mona, but with an "L").  

Noa is super duper snuggly.  She usually has a muslin blanket or her kitty smushed to her face as she falls asleep.  As long as she's snuggling, she's usually okay.  

My favorite thing about Noa right now.... that wrist roll.  Do you see it? 
I seriously just love, love, love my chunky little Goose.

Sister-friend also loves to chew on her toes.  So that's fun.  

And although I didn't catch it on camera for her 4 month post, she's also blowing raspberries like a pro.  

And this relationship... the one between the big and the little.... 

Well, that gets more and more beautiful by the day.