Friday, June 27, 2014

The Graduate | Brandon,FL Children's Photography

I have had the honor of taking Miss L's birthday pictures for the past two years.  I was very excited when her mom called me and asked me to take some photos of her daughter in her cap & gown from  her VPK Graduation.  Each year for her birthday, they bring along Miss Monkey.  This session was no exception.  L's mama even made her her very own graduation cap. 

But seriously, Miss L and Miss Monkey both brought their "A" game to the session.  L just might have one of my most favorite "hammy" smiles ever! 

Can't wait to see her again in August when we do her birthday session!!!  

Back-to-School Mini Sessions! | Tampa Bay Children's Photography

Summer is in full swing, but pretty soon we'll all be back-to-school shopping and wondering where the summer has gone. In that spirit we are announcing an exciting mini-session for the end of summer, perfect for little ones about to head off to kindergarten for the first time, or pre-school, or even VPK and older students who don't want to suffer through those boring backdrops that school photos often offer. Reilly Maguire Photography & Hamilton Creek Photography are teaming up for a super special back-to-school photography event!!

Sunday, August 10th, 2014, 20 minute limited edition sessions are being held near Winthrop Town Center in Riverview. This back-to-school stylized mini-session will be for a single child or up to two siblings per session time. Payment will be due in full at booking to secure your session time. Your session fee includes an online password protected gallery for 10 artistically edited images, you will then choose two digital images for download with personal printing release included in your session fee of $75. You can them complete your ordering online for a la carte artwork or additional digital images; which will be available for purchase for $50 per file download, with personal printing rights.

Special Back-to-School Print Package:

Teachers Pet print package includes prints of your favorite one pose in 16 wallets prints, two 5x7 prints and one 8x10 print. $50 plus tax

Head of the Class printpackage includes two 8x10 prints, five 5x7 prints and 16 wallets of up to four poses. $75 plus tax

Book Bargain includes THREE linen cloth cover mini-accordion book holding up to 10 poses. $75 plus tax

Valedictorian includes a 16X20 story board holdingup to 6 poses. $60 plus tax

My very own little during last years session.  I can't believe how much she's grown in one year! 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Kalia Reese Turns FOUR | Riverview Children's Photographer

I have a four year old.


Four years ago my husband and I were enjoying a quiet Father's Day Brunch at our favorite place to eat in Tampa & my contractions started coming every 2-5 minutes.  They were painless.... so I assumed they were just Braxton Hicks.  I was convinced that these contractions I was feeling weren't really real.  They were just warming me up.

My husband felt otherwise.  He assured me I was in labor and took me to the hospital.

We got to the hospital around 4pm and less then 12 hours later, our perfectly healthy, most beautiful baby girl entered the world.

The last four years have been more amazing then I could have ever imagined.  This gorgeous human has taught me more about life then anything else I have ever experienced.  She is the smartest, sassiest, craziest, kindest, life lover I have EVER met.

This has been quite the year for our girl.  

She started school.  She started ballet.  She was promoted to big sister.  

One thing is for sure.  No matter what she does, she is amazing at it.  

Happy Birthday you BEAUTIFUL baby girl.  Mommy loves you to the moon.  xo.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Noa James Three Months | Riverview Baby Photographer

Three months. 

The three fastest months of my life.  

I know that every parent says it... but we are so blessed with such a wonderful little girl.  She so happy and easy going.... as long as she's home, in her crib by 7pm.  

If not... our little princess turns into a pumpkin.  

She adores her big sister... she smiles when we call her Goose.... she enjoys sucking on her toes.

She rocks at tummy time... she loves snuggling with her cat (which big sister has named Lona)... she loves bath time.